Egoistic ‘I’

Oh my my
We pacify our egos so high
That we forget it’s a dependant life
Neither our entry to this world
Nor its exist can be credited to ‘I’
So when actually do we develop this egoistic ‘I’
This ’I’ develops self recognition,
With achievements and failures that we survive
Within no span, this recognition enters arrogant side
Even then we pacify our egos so high
‘I’ gets happy, when in limelight
But saddened easily when withdrawn from that sight
They take all praises to be their own
But forgets that nothing can be done alone.
‘I’ takes away our eternal bliss
And thrive us to achieve selfish wish
It grows stronger with passing years
And soon forgets We/Us atmosphere
We only start valuing our blessings
When ‘I’ abandons us from our close beings.
Meaningful and well articulated.