Greeting through ‘Namaste’ had scientific reasons

These days we are passing through a phase where every person in the world is greeting each other with Namaste. Finally realising the importance of our Vedic tradition. It is not just about Hindu culture but also has a scientific reason for it. Namaste has been originated from Sanskrit words नम: meaning to bow and ते to you. Though many people believe that there is a difference between ‘Namaste’ and ‘Namaskar’ with context to singular and plural form.
As Hinduism believes in the concept of soul and its existence in every human being, so the tradition is Namaste is an extension to it. One of the spiritual reasons for doing ‘Namaste’ is bending of one soul to the enlightened soul residing in another person. Namaste to elderly people also means the bowing in front of the immortal soul residing in the body of a person who might be a guru, parent, neighbour, relative, leader, king and so on. This gesture is in accordance with the faith that while you bow in front of another soul, you get rid of your ego, self-praise and develop the feeling of humility, respect and humbleness within yourself.
It is also believed that doing Namaste has a scientific reason behind it. When we fold our hands for greeting, our fingers tip touch each other and it presses the acupressure points of our hands that are connected to ear, eyes and brain that help us to recall the person for a longer time.
Another most important benefit of Namaste is that we will refrain ourselves from touching another person that will protect us from the negative energies and germs that could be transferred from another person.
Beautifully explained our rich tradition and we should be proud of it.