Read a human & create your library

While surfing though the social media sites, I came across a post that initiated the concept of human library. Well, the concept cannot be considered as new but certainly relevant to our present scenario. In the olden times too, we use to learn so much from storytelling either through our grandparents, parents, teachers or other family members. It was possible because people use to spend time together listening and discussing which has been replaced by books, gadgets and extracurricular classes nowadays. Without doubt books are great source of information and knowledge but they lack one thing experience which can only be gained through living that moment. We learn till we die but do we listen and share when we are alive.
Human Library, such a beautiful concept will not only increases our horizon and knowledge but will also make this planet a better place to live. Borrowing a person from a list and sharing his experiences, struggles, learning’s, achievements and sorrows will change your life too. Every human life is a book that has a title for his journey, an introduction to life, high and low points and earning at the end.
- Reading, sharing, listening and learning from a person who has survived and experienced that life, will not only help us understand life better but will also equip us with better handling of situations.
- In this hustle bustle life, taking out time for unknown person will also result into valuing the life and struggle of another human and increasing our sensitivity towards them.
- Indirectly, it will also reduce our dependency on technology that is a cause of many troubles and problems.