‘Siddhartha’ by Herman Hesse

‘Wandering doesn’t take you anywhere. Peace comes from within so do not seek it outside. Work out your own salvation and do not depend on others for it.‘ Sidhartha
This happens to be my favourite novel by Herman Hesse where, through simple story he teaches the most vital essence of life we have been dealing with i.e. searching the meaning of our existence.
About Book: The author beautifully takes us through the journey of the character named ‘Sidhartha’ who happens to be in search out for a meaningful life that gives him salvation. Just like nomads, he wanders from place to place and meet various people with a hope that someone can help in attaining the purpose of his life. In the quest to know himself, he experiences faith, devotion, practice, richness, whims, and materialism but his urge remained unsatisfied. His inquisitiveness to experience life himself rather than believing the preaching by others took him to the final enlighten.
His quest ended with a boatman who used to follow a regular monotonous routine but was completely contented. After conversing with the boatman, Siddhartha found that he had answers to all his ambiguities and felt enlightened.
Language: The author keeps the reader so gripped that you start looking for the same answers within and experience the Siddhartha journey within. Hence it teaches us to experience life within ourselves in our own way than following other.
“Knowledge can be communicated but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, be forfeited by it, do wonders through it but one cannot communicate and teach it.”Siddhartha. A Must Read.