The Attachment Style Mastery by Jeff Green

This book has unveiled in full all the sides and the points of attachment styles; the author has done a great work breaking through each point, starting from how to our childhood can crucially affect our adult attachment styles, a complete explanation of each attachment style, and how to define our’s and our partner’s style, the author has unveiled practical ways to change your attachment styles and adapt to certain characters. My favourite pick from the book is the pairing in relationships. For example: how does it seem a relationship between a secure and anxious, points of strengths and weaknesses, and how to find the good balance and the stable rhythm to make it success … ( they are others pairings not only the secure and anxious ) the book is an absolute informative one.
Title of the book: The title ‘ The Attachment Styles Mastery’ of the book is apt as it clearly defines its target audience with the keywords in it that caters to the various types of attachments an individual has in his life.
Writing Style: The writing of the book includes technical aspects and therefore is an apt read for the students for the science background. The author has explained the concepts in detailed and has tried to explain the concepts with the examples.
Recommendation: This book is an apt read for the people inclined to read mind psychology related books. Someone who is interested to read the functioning and analytics of the mind should read it. I really learn a lot from it, and I highly recommend it to everyone.