‘The Firekepeers of Jawalapuram’ by Vamsee Juluri

A sequel to ‘The Krishkandha Chronicles-Saraswati’s Intelligence’ Vamsee Juluri’s Firekeepers of Jwalapuran is yer another tail of adventures, mythology, action, spiritualism and politics.
The storyline resembles the expression of ‘Shiv Trilogy’ by Amish Tripathi that was based on mythological characters like Shiva, Ram and Sita. This book is based on mythological character Hanuman that is known as Pawan Putra and resides in state of Krishkandha with his siblings. The personification of the characters like Sugreev, Vali, Surya, Vaishnavi , Vishvamitra generates an ancient feel to the book but it’s doesn’t come out as expected. They were already struggling to gain the stability in their land when the natural disaster like volcanic eruptions worsens the situations.
The story opens in the historical land of Krishkandha, where the son of the land ‘Hanuman’ is fighting to save its motherland following the concept of ‘Parma Dharma’. It is a time of aapada, after all, and he always used to say ‘Parma Dharma’ is not about pain but reducing the cause that causes pain. If a rule prevents pain, it is good. If it adds to one’s pain, then it’s not.’
Writing Style:
The writing style of the author is easy to comprehend and holds the interest of the readers through the action, drama and romance sequences inserted to the novel. Though mythical in nature, it lacks to make an impact on the mind of the readers.
Cover Design:
The cover of the book is somewhat similar to the way Amish Tripathi novels are designed. It depicts the central character of the story and is yet simple in its aesthetics.
The book is good read for light or new readers who have just begin to dwell in the habit of reading. It a good way to lighten your mood and thus also generates interest in the mythical characters of our culture