You don’t have to be a monk to enter the ultimate realm of happiness !!

Kundalini -An Untold Story by Om Swami is an Exceptional and description of personal experience of the author towards awakening of Kundalini, our main energy source. The author explains the esoteric and practical meaning of kundalini and the seven chakras in his exemplary style. The book contains riveting anecdotes of his personal experience of his personal journey towards attainment of intense meditation and experiencing the formal Aspect of Goddess, our primordial energy.
Well, I have read other books on kundalini too but what makes this book different from others is the way author has explained all the Chakras in simplified way. The origin of the kundalini, name of the goddess, placement of the chakras and the food suitable while meditating of chakras has been been explained in any of the book I have come across.
Writing style : the writing style of the book is very easy and understandable. Written in first person, it creates a connect with its readers. The readers experience the awakening of the kundalini with the author himself as he teaches step by step importance of the chakras.
Title and Cover Design- The title of the book definitely attracts the attention of the spiritual readers and the inquisitive ones. The cover design also gives you a clear idea of what all the book is about and the saffron Colors donates the color of devotion.
Recommendations: The book is a good read for the people who have ap ritual or traditional bent of mind. People inquisitive to know about the teachings of the Hindu religion can also give it a read. I will rate it 4 and recommend it as must read for people with spirituality bend of mind.