Don’t make’TIME’ an Excuse but make its apt Use.

Time has been the best excuse for human beings these days.
For not meeting on time, ‘Was really busy dear, could make it up’.
For not taking care of health, time and star are not in your favour ,
For Business not performing , time is not in your favour
Time has been our biggest Excuse and the most common dialogue we often listen from our colleagues, friends & relatives and repeat the same excuse when we want to run off from people or situations. We waste so much time thinking and not acting on things,things we would like to do and end up feeling bored from our routine. Rather I think what is needed is the valuing time that would help us to be accomplish everything in a day itself. All those people who have made a success and are into news are the ones who have utilized their time to the fullest to convert their ideas into practicality.
The two most powerful warriors are Patience and Time.
Leo Tolstoy, War and peace
Our day is divided into 24 hours and all the individuals have same hours. What makes one successful and unsuccessful is how they manage time and respect and value it. Performing tasks on time is what makes an individual live a disciplined and systematic life. By saying that I don’t mean to live a robotic life but a life with more value and meaning to it. So here are few steps to respect and value the hours given by almighty:
a) Schedule your day: There are so many tasks throughout the day to be performed that if we divide and schedule it as per the priorities, we will be able to complete them on time.
b) Set your Leisure hours: If we divide the time among our hobby, health, TV watching and time for family, we can lead a much complacent life.
c) Take time for Family & Friends: Similarly some people schedule to go for family vacation once in three months. On similar lines, we can plan it for a day. Like what would you like to do after job is your prerogative? How do you spend your time and value your time for making it productive in terms of money or relations.
d) Time for Divine existence: Make sure your spare your time for seeking blessings from the God Almighty and paying your gratitude to his blessings.
In time management, it is required to prioritize the work on the basis of its importance in our life. For example, some people plan to get complete medical checkup atleast once in two months.
A day lost will never come gain. So friends this is the time to use it to the maximum and make every minute of your worthwhile and keep saying ‘KASH’ in the end.
- Everyone gets similar 24 hours
- Waste time thinking and not acting
- Now or Never; Tomorrow never comes
- Set your priorities
- If categorized, will become much productive